i love love LOVE chiaki, im a ryuseiP and undeadP but i love everyone, i also love to interact with my mutuals
chiaki ♡, kaoru, niki, souma, razor, yuki sohma, leviathan, noah (tdi), senku, leo tsukinaga, tim drake, zuko, lance mcclain


she/her , adult (18yo), isxp, asexual biromantic, spanish, aries

sb to break the mutual, fb selectively, i don't use tone indicators so lmk if you need them, i WON'T use tws for characters i like
-14 or +26 , tweet mainly about kpop, don't tweet about enstars, don't fit the dni criteria, hate on my fav characters, don't use she/her on arashi or ship incest